

发布时间: 2024-05-11 00:57:09北京青年报社官方账号



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An IT veteran, Kenny believes the latest advances in technologies like image recognition and machine reading will largely improve the efficiency of data collection, therefore helping Nielsen move faster toward better predictions.


An Endangered Species Act listing would require the US Fish and Wildlife Service to designate critical habitat for walruses and plan for their recovery. Federal agencies, before issuing permits for development such as offshore drilling, would be required to ensure walruses and their habitat would not be jeopardized.


An e-certificate will be issued to the participants and organizations in the program to recognize their support for environmental conservation. The public are also encouraged to keep artificial Christmas trees and other festival decorations for reuse to help reduce waste and conserve resources, EPD said.


An official ceremony was held at the Golden Spike National Historical Park at Promontory Summit, an area of high ground roughly 100 km northwest of Salt Lake City. The last spike of the transcontinental railroad, often referred to as the Golden Spike, was ceremonially driven in here by Central Pacific Railroad President Leland Stanford on May 10, 1869.


Among those attending the ceremony were Hong Liang, Chinese ambassador to Myanmar; U Tin Maung Htun, chairman of the Yangon Region Parliament; U Lin Naing Myint, deputy speaker of the Yangon Region Parliament; UKyaw Than, vice-chairman of the Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce;U Khin Aung Htun, vice-president of Myanmar Tourism Federation; U Myat Tun Aung, vice-president of Myanmar Artists Organization Central and Argus Ang, chief executive of RVi Group, which is a main supporting organization for this program.


